Is the food you eat abundantly nutritious?
Our planetary biosphere is in greater peril than ever. While climate change is the greatest challenge of our time, it also presents the greatest possibility - an unprecedented opportunity to build a healthy, prosperous, clean energy economy, now and for the future.
The desire to generate a balance of living has motivated Tim to change his life and speak out about the lack of balance on Earth today. Covering the Earth's cycles, natural farming to restoring the acoustical vibration of nature.
What would it take for farmers to be in communion with the rhythms of the earth and nature?
From 3am to 3pm the earth is exhaling (outward energy). This energy has an effect on every thing on this planet. From 3pm to 3am the earth is inhaling (inward energy).
For example; have you ever noticed a stream or a creek running in the morning when it is pouring down rain, will run extra fast and higher and it can still be pouring down rain in the afternoon but the creek has gone down and is not as high. This is because the earth has an outward energy in the morning, so the water runs off the earth quicker and in the afternoon the earth has an inward energy so it is pulling the water down soaking it into the earth.
What is the significance of these two forces?
WE HAVE CHOICE. We can maintain the consumption of life or we can be the Celebration of Living! Which one will you choose?
Australian Access Consciousness Facilitator Sustainable Farming expert ~ Tim Bothams will facilitate an evening of gifting you tools and questions that can be applied immediately to have you access a greater sense of peace amongst the chaos that is currently occurring.
When: One night only! Saturday 9th April 7 pm -545 Parnell Rd Auckland
Location / Venue: Parnell Community Centre, 545 Parnell Road
Cost: Adults $75, youth 16-19 $38, 15 under no fee to attend.
Call Sharon to register: 0212 442811 - [email protected]