Without our health, life is not as exciting and fun as it is when we are healthy and active.
How many people have health challenges and what are the reasons behind these challenges? Are we eating well, or are we subjected to pesticides and chemicals, and genetically engineered ingredients in processed food; or are our immune systems hammered by the cumulative effects of life as we live it?
Often the choices we have to make in healing ourselves concern lifestyle and diet. First however there is the choice as to whether to visit complimentary therapists or allopathic doctors and practitioners.
It appears at times as if there is all out war between the two systems. Many allopathic doctors and their supporters are quick to label both old traditional cures and new treatments as quackery, especially if they are not ‘peer reviewed.
Supporters of holistic health might accuse western medicine of only treating one part of the body, and not the body and mind as a whole. Opinion is that many pharmaceutical medicines have side effects that are more harmful than the disease itself and are designed to make money for the pharmaceutical corporations, suppressing dis-ease rather than curing it. One in four New Zealanders have visited a complimentary practitioner at some time, however.
Dr Bruce Lipton, author of The Biology of Belief (and GreenplanetFM supporter) writes about how what we think and our underlying beliefs have a significant role in our health. He says Stunning new scientific discoveries about the biochemical effects of the brain's functioning show that all cells of your body are affected by your thoughts. This gives a seriously new meaning to the phrase think positive, and creates a scientific link between holistic and allopathic treatments.
Looking at the cause of a dis-ease, and finding the right solution for each individual person may be time consuming and can even cost more than we want to pay, but without looking at the cause how can we be sure to have overcome the illness that we may have inadvertently created for ourselves. And isn't life so precious that it is worth all we have to be both physically well and emotionally happy?
Lynda Wharton explains that her aim is to uncover the cause of disease, and through education, lifestyle modification and non-invasive natural therapies, remove any obstacles to cure. Through harnessing the body's innate self-healing potential, to restore optimum health and vitality, she has had much success. She talks of the commonalities that she sees in the clinic and of the informative book that she has written: Wellbeing - An essential guide to vibrant good health for women".
Many of Lynda's patients are women and she speaks of the Super Woman Syndrome that is prevalent in western society. She describes the lifestyle, talks of the results of this, and suggests some preventatives.
Lynda also is very informative about breast cancer, and as one in 7 women in New Zealand experience some sort of breast cancer, this is an important interview to hear.
Lynda's web site is http://www.lyndawharton.com