Glen Atkinson: A Circular Periodic Table of Elements Elicits New Understandings of Chemistry and Circles

Interviewed by Tim LynchJune 3, 2020
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The Periodic Table of Elements is a classical arrangement of the chemical elements, organised on the basis of their atomic numbers, electron configurations and recurring chemical properties. This being a 21st century decode of the 'building blocks' of existence. Up until today, this has been laid out in text book fashion in a rectangular format.

Glen’s groundbreaking way of looking at the Periodic Table is by shifting one’s 2 dimensional view point to that of a 3 dimensional viewpoint. By making
it a round, circular method. This elegant shifting of perspectives, now enables a new way to begin to ‘unlock’ the secrets of matter. In the years
ahead all chemists and physicists will marvel at the simplicity of what Glen has achieved and ask themselves - "why didn’t I think of that myself?"

Around 330 BCE, the Greek philosopher Aristotle proposed that everything is made up of a mixture of one or more roots, an idea that had originally been
suggested by the Sicilian philosopher Empedocles. The four roots, which were later renamed as elements by Plato, were earth, water, air and fire. Similar
ideas about these four elements also existed in other ancient traditions, such as Indian philosophy.

So over time right up through the industrial revolution enquiring minds have endeavoured to map out the ‘constituents of matter’ for over 2,400 years.

Cut to today and Glen takes this formalised 2 dimensional rectangular layout and reconfigures it into a circle or 3 dimensional sphere. What happens is
that one set of elements on one side of the sphere has ‘corresponding’ elements on the opposite side of the sphere. The old axiom ‘As above so below’
comes into play here. Just as in astrology, Libra is opposite Aires and Aquarius is opposite Leo and as Glen is an astrologer he sees everything as
circling around us here on earth in a 360 degree perspective that is a 3 dimensional map of the localised star field.

Building on Rudolf Steiner’s Teachings

Glen has been working at very subtle levels based on the teachings of Rudolf Steiner who though was an educator had a very profound understanding of
agriculture - hence we get ‘biodynamics’ as a system of working with both the elements - as well as cosmic forces.

Using the ‘timeless maxim’ - ‘as above so below’ - and looking at the ‘structure’ of creation above us, we can get the pattern or model that we can
use to look at us and the organization that occurs within us. So here we are living on a planet and out of it’s own life processes has created
an atmosphere that concentrates oxygen and therefore supports life on earth. That our planet is sitting in a solar system with planets all rotating
around the sun - sitting within the sun’s magnetic field and that field is like an onion with rings of magnetism and the planets run around on
those rings and of course beyond that we have stars and our sun is a star and then we have billions of stars in our galaxy and beyond this we have
billions of galaxies.

So the reality of where we are living is that we have this star realm, the planet realm, the atmosphere and then we have the earth.

So he says that there are 4 great dimensions that exist. Steiner says that all these four realms work in towards us - because all the stars are beaming
‘forces’ at us … like when we learn that there are as many stars in the sky as there are grains of sand on the planet - that we can have
an image that we are living in the middle of an energetic hologram and that these stars have been beaming forces at us for billions of years constantly
and where we are - we are held by this ocean of energy - and the sun within our solar system organises its own things and the planets organise
their own things.

What Steiner says is that he uses Hindu lore saying that the star realm is ‘spirit’ - for the planetary realm he called ‘astral’ - for the atmosphere
‘etheric’ and the physical he called the ‘physical’.

So the 4 kingdoms of nature use those four ‘activities’ in increasing complexity - so the mineral kingdom is just the physical body and the plant kingdom
has this growth and light so it includes the atmosphere and then the animal kingdom has movement and some degree of consciousness - which brings
in the astral planetary sphere - and finally we humans bring in the star qualities and show up as our self consciousness.

Glen goes on to say that basically we are looking at everything as being a manifestation of just those 4 things. That when we bring this into balance
we have health and if there is any imbalance within any of those 4 activities - we have ill health.

He says it’s a fairly simple game … but it is based on reality - the planets are real - the stars are real ....


Also mentioned were holons and we are nested holons in our planets biosphere and it is nested in the solar system which is nested in the galactic

And we have organs that are made of cells and the cells go down to molecules to the atomic and subatomic - that everything is integrated from the microcosm to the microcosm.

His Website has more detail.

Periodic Table of Elements

The Periodic Table of Chemical Elements that we have today that goes back to the so called enlightenment the 16 century- and its rectangular shaped
and is put together in so called family groups of elements. That there are 8 major groups of elements, then there are 10 groups of trace elements
and then 14 groups of rare earth elements and in each family there is 7 layers some have elements in those manifest and other layers don’t. Now,
Glenn has been studying soil science as part of agriculture - and you go down to where everything is atoms and atoms are these spherical balls
of energetic activity.

Toroidal Spherical Form

Once something moves it starts to spin and it polarises and it creates this sort of toroidal form that has become quite common and the toroidal form
is the pattern of existence - a sphere - everything is a sphere.

We all have our energetic activity around us - so we are an energetic sphere or field and planets have an energetic sphere and everything is an energetic
sphere - so when we are talking about chemistry and we are looking at this rectangular pattern and we think of an element, for example like calcium.

So what we have to do is create in our mind this nucleus with so many protons and neutrons and then two or three rings of electrons and some of those
rings are not full - they can take more electrons - this becomes the basis of the interaction of the element. If a ring is not full it will go
on to jump on to some other element to fill that energy lack and this is how we get the chemical interactions. So it is really an interplay of
spheres - so we are forever making an adjustment between the rectangle and the sphere - and to many it is one of the hurdles of coming to grips
with chemistry.

Why not draw this up as a Sphere?

So Glen thought - why don’t we draw this up as a sphere - but first of all why not start with a circle and start from there and the above three groups
- the majors, the tracers and the rare earth - so they are different numbers.

So when we listen to music and Glens background in astrology informs us as well because in an astrology chart we have these different angular relationships
- we might call them 30 degree relationships - 45 degree relationships and 72 degree relationships between the planets - and he says that gives
you the idea as in music that there is a 3rd harmonic and 4th harmonic and a 5th harmonic - and just as the 4th in music is discordant - where
as the 3rd is harmonious and friendly - so that’s what happened between the planets. So in chemistry there is a 4th harmonic in the major elements
- because there is 8 of them. There is a 5th harmonic with the trace elements- so this gave Glen the impression that they were different - they
were running on these different sort of harmonics as it were - frequencies- so he could see them as groups and if we start to get this idea that
everything is a sphere and therefore a circle is one 360 degree slice of a sphere- so we get that the circles resonate with the spheres - he says
this is quite an important thought (come back to this later)

That every circle resonates with everything in creation. But in the development of the chemistry (it was well) we’ve got these three groups
of elements and they can all be put on an individual sphere. Glen goes on to say what happens when we put something on a circle, that what we know
in astrology is that we start getting these angular relationships - elements set opposite each other - they set at a 90 degree angle to each other-
a 30 degree angle to each other- so what starts to happen when we put things on a circle we start to see relationships between the elements that
aren't obvious in the rectangle. One of the classics in this is phosphorus and potassium set opposite to each other -are seen on a circle and in
agriculture this is one of our greatest issues - that originally when settlers started farming here - they realised they lacked phosphorous, so
along came superphosphate - which in itself is a very good fertiliser and they piled the phosphorus in, but then they realised the potassium was
not active - and so they thought to then just pile in the potassium - and so along comes potassium phosphate, potassium chloride and they piled
that in and then all of a sudden they realised that they were locking up all the calcium in the phosphorus.

So this is one of the biggest dilemmas in modern agriculture, especially in NZ is that we have this excess of potassium and although the calcium and
the phosphorus is sitting there in the soil - it won’t be released.

Then once Glen did his circular periodic table it became very clear that it was this excess of potassium that was blocking all of the phosphorus. So
he made up a product that would suppress the potassium and all of a sudden out comes all of the phosphorus and then the calcium comes out a little
bit later.

He said that these chemical relationships start to become very obvious once you see them in a circle.. He further states that once we have all these
3 different groups of elements on a circle - then we can put them on top of each other. Then instantly we can see which trace elements have a particular
relationship to the major elements - so that there is an interrelationship between all these elements that is impossible to see on a rectangular
pattern. So the rectangular pattern does not work, and is not real - because chemistry does not organise to a rectangle - it organises according
to spheres . As in atoms …

Tim mentions that Pythagoras 2,500 year ago in Greece said that when we still ourselves and meditate it was possible to ‘hear the music of the spheres.’
That the planets each have a different musical note, because each one is a different size with a different rotational speed - hence they each give
off a distinct pitch or tone. So in truth - the music of the spheres.

The Circle shows the Pros and Cons of the Table of Elements

Huge areas of land in NZ are locked up because of cadmium - coming via the phosphate fertiliser - and cadmium is in the same family as mercury and
zinc. That zinc as an element he says when sited on the circle is very prominent and sits very close to helping the etheric or
the life processes work into the physical body. Saying we also know that zinc is a primary element that helps with fertility of plants and people.
It is a primary health element. He says if you lift up the cadmium or mercury in an environment then it is going to debilitate the zinc and once
this happens, it also immobilises the opposite element - which is manganese and there is an interrelationship between the two-and manganese shows
up in good seed development - that for plants to fully reach the end of their life they have to have good manganese up-take - so the zinc and manganese
interplay in this fertility expression.

So by upping the mercury and cadmium it knocks out the basic fertility process.

Glen says that where he is living (he has recently shifted there) that it has 10 times the amount of phosphate in the soil that it should. That it
causes trouble and it affects and debilitates many of the other elements.

That farms with high levels of potassium used to balance out the phosphate in the soil results in all sorts of knock on effect and the metabolic dysfunction
has cows pooping liquid feces and that is not good. For the cow is not 100% healthy and the soil and groundwater is affected too. Too much potassium
is very problematic.

He said the various knock on effects are such that it is now not uncommon for farms to have 25% of cows not being able to get pregnant. The costs build
up when the veterinarian has to come out every day to artificially inseminate the cows.

Regenerative Farming is very sound for Ecology and Animal Health.

Regenerative farming came up - where it is a fast growing farming practice across NZ and does not have any chemical input. Glen says that in the area
he lives in around Waipukurau there are a lot of sheep and beef farms that have not been able to afford to put on chemical fertilisers (that destroy the soil)
and so regenerative and biological farming is becoming a growth industry.

He said that other than some thistle sprays and some weed drenching - the beef and sheep industry are moving a lot closer to organics now.

Also covered in this interview was the amount of urea that is being put on NZ farms too.

Huge amounts of urea being used on farms.

It is common that farmers can put up to 450 kilograms of water soluble nitrogen on the paddocks per year and this had Dr Mike Joy state.

That farms can run efficiently and actually do ok with only 35 kgs of soluble nitrogen per farm. He cautions too about ammonium sulphate on
the soil, it kills all the worms and at that point cow dung will not break down - sitting there for months on end and that stops the grass growing

Listen to this as Glen gives a good understanding of what happens at the back end of cows …

Farmers caught in a quandary that they have to let go of.

Hear of the dilemma around farms having shares in fertiliser companies - from which they gain a financial return, but with ‘over fertilising’ killing
the soils and the micro organisms - other farmers are being impelled to move to low input biological and regenerative farming that doesn’t use
these fertilisers.

OTHER subjects covered:

Listen to Glen talk about the profundity of a circleTo the circle on the shady side of trees, on Bach flowers remedies. It’s all very profound.

Glen talks about corruption and psychopaths that we have embedded in the economic system and it is everywhere at all levels of society. That this has
to be addressed.

About bacteria that bury into rocks. That soil microorganisms, the bacteria and fungi are so important for healthy land management and a vibrant biosphere.

He mentions the NZ family company Bostock nzOne of the largest organic producers of apples in the Southern hemisphere. It’s in the Hawkes Bay the area
where Glen lives and he says it is a growing organic and GE Free area - but there is still a large amount of spray usage today. 🙁

Glen says back in the 60’s and 70s we did not have the organic knowledge and track record- but now we do. That NZ can really become a food producer
of the highest organic standards and it’s a win win win for all.

Have we the will to bring about positive change?This is the question. Glen said that he is more than happy to be part of this regenerative renaissance here in NZ.

Glen is presently looking at fungal control - lime sulphur a chemical is sprayed for black spot but it curtails photosynthesis for that plant and it's
still a big problem in organic fruit, like grapes and stone fruit. He is having success with powdery mildew and various fruit rot. So he is still
experimenting with organic ways to bring balance into combatting different dis-eases.He is having some successes.

Glyphosate spraying is now rampant throughout NZ Agriculture.

In the last few minutes of this interview I ask him why there are large paddocks in many areas of NZ that are orange in colour and stand out like proverbial
- marigold fields? This is when Glen let’s go.

Farmers are spraying their crops and land with Monsanto’s poison - glyphosate. It’s everywhere - it is a crime against humanity and a crime against
nature. Listen to these last final moments of this interview. I mention here to Glen, that I have broached this subject with Steffan
Browning the ex Green Member of Parliament - who in my estimations was the 'most courageous' MP in Parliament, but the timid Green Party took his
portfolios away from him and since retiring, (because the Greens would not hold his back) being outside Parliament, there are far fewer options. 

Please take the time to listen to these last few moments where he and I rip into the upper reaches of the Farming organisations that allows this wanton destruction of the NZ environment. This is imperative to really reveal the lies and corruption that is going on in NZ that is totally sabotaging and destroying NZ's already tarnished
image of a clean green country. Please - make the effort to listen and then network it to friends, associates and others.

In finishing. I will have to get Glen back on radio very soon, because there were a few questions that I needed to ask
him - which focus on the first 1/3 of the interview. (I was not alert enough). Regarding the tying in of forces affecting humans, plus to
ask him to more easily explain Circles and their relationship with Squares. Such as that ‘within a sphere you can place a cube’ and that ‘within that
cube you can place a sphere’ - down - Ad infinitum- Just like the nesting Russian dolls, babushka.

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Tim Lynch

Tim Lynch, is a New Zealander, who is fortunate in that he has whakapapa, or a bloodline that connects him to the Aotearoan Maori. He has been involved as an activist for over 40 years - within the ecological, educational, holistic, metaphysical, spiritual & nuclear free movements. He sees the urgency of the full spectrum challenges that are coming to meet us, and is putting his whole life into being an advocate for todays and tomorrows children. 'To Mobilise Consciousness.'

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