Many metaphysical philosophers have spoken about communication (technology) encircling the globe, that the internet can be likened to (Gaia's mother earths)
Global Brain being activated.
With filaments of light connecting and reconnecting across the hemispheres forming networks that overlap into larger networks - neural pathways with synapses
flashing and neurons pulsing; and constellations of incoming and outgoing information radiating to all parts of our planet - to you and I.
Communing together in a growing family of awareness - intelligence connecting with intelligence - knowledge being imparted - steps being taken to
improve our society/planet's wellbeing - good vibes emanating - solutions enacted - benevolent use of technology - revolution fulfilment - celebration
and creation!
And as this is happening as we speak, how do we use this profound communication system to make our life better not only for ourselves, and survival
but for our families, local community all the way up to the global community.
It's up to us .... all of us to be the change that we want for a better tomorrow. And its not that difficult. A pastor friend of mine once said when asked
what needs to be done stated that "all it needs is a change of heart.''
James Lovelock the instigator of the Gaia Hypothesis 1969 that became Gaia Theory in 1995 and to 'conscious' scientists who today see the theory as science
fact - states that we human beings are nerve endings for Gaia and that when we call out and draw attention to something happening on earth, like deforestation,
acid oceans, decertification, or war - we are 'a part' of the Earth telling other parts of Mother Earth that there is an issue that needs to
be addressed. When these are eventually tackled as we become more responsible and conscious, and when all the global challenges are eventually sorted,
we humans nerve endings will come together like never before and evolve ourselves into unity consciousness where we at heart come together as the Noosphere
- where global group mind comes into being and we enter 'omega point' and become an empathetic and telepathic civilisation.
"There are no passengers on spaceship earth, only crew." Buckminster Fuller.