Meanwhile this is all being sidelined by our elected representatives both at a national level as well as locally. The fact that exotic trees are being
cut down because they were introduced by early European settlers appears to be part of the ‘cancel-culture’ that can even be conceived as a cultural
marxist agenda. That is, to take down the past and eradicate it. The fact that deep ecology is being ignored and that the flora and fauna are under
attack, defies common sense - especially when there is an actual program in Auckland to plant 1 million additional trees goes against common wisdom.
Main Points that Wendy Wishes to Convey
Wendy Gray 'chainsaw politics' tree felling Western Springs & Across Auckland
- Tree blindness is being unable to notice trees in our environment or appreciate their importance for the biosphere
and in human affairs.
- Tupuna – the ancestors. Our trees are considered to be our ancestors by indigenous peoples including Māori. They were here first and created the atmosphere
for all oxygen breathing organisms like us. We are the Last Born after our relations the birds, insects and smallest organisms. It is our responsibility
to protect our ancestors and not destroy them.
- Trees manage our climate both locally, regionally and internationally. They communicate through the soils, the wood-wide web, we know about this from
Dr Suzanne Simard. They also communicate through pollen and water. There is even a suggestion that they communicate at night in some way.
- Trees have ancient knowledge about how to manage the climate of our planet. We do not understand how nature works.
- New science is challenging the current beliefs about conservation and the environment and how nature works. It Is challenging those who make decisions
about our environment. We don’t know how nature works; we only think we know.
- Trees are integral to nature’s water cycle: with no trees you have less water. The more treeless Auckland becomes the hotter the urban areas will be.
- Auckland Council is removing our parks and reserves. It is building apartment buildings boundary-to-boundary without green areas. This habitat loss
is devastating Auckland’s biodiversity.
- When you cut down trees you release the carbon. Auckland Council does not account for this. The future Auckland will be hot, subject to droughts and
flooding, concrete covered with surveillance cameras everywhere.
- The native trees are good and exotic trees are bad issue is a worldwide political agenda. It is an artificial division. It is about colonial guilt
from having treated indigenous peoples poorly. We want to make amends by championing native species. But nature does not work like this; plants
and animals are always moving around. Nature is constantly working with whatever resources it has available and changing constantly.
- Another reason is the creation of prejudice against perceived outsiders – the Americans call this “authoritarian nativism”
- Our Minister of Conservation is reported to be prejudiced against non-native trees and is not likely to support reinstatement of tree protections.
Our Minister for the Environment considers that it is “too expensive” to bring back tree protections. He can only say this if he values our trees
and our environment at zero! The current New Zealand government has no agenda to bring back tree protections.
- Western springs Native Forest is the only 98-year old regenerating native forest in Central Auckland. It has the tallest trees that are Monterey pine
trees. Known to live to over 150 years old in New Zealand. The forest is also a Significant Ecological Area.
- A forest is a living organism comprised of other living organisms – plants, animals, insects, beetles, funghi, bacteria, as well as trees. It has an
overstorey, (the 98-year old pines), an understorey, (a 90-year old closed canopy native forest ) and a functioning forest floor. Western Springs
forest has all three components in balance and harmony.
- The estimated asset value of this forest is conservatively $4 million. The ecosystem services value is estimated at $2 million annually for the life
of the pines. We have not valued the native understory because Council has refused to survey it. The loss of this resource to the people of Auckland
is in the many millions of dollars.
- Overseas forest practice would manage the succession of this forest overstorey from pine to native over 20-30 years. The original Western Springs plan
1995 envisaged this. The community have always wanted Council to do this and in 2018 proposed a partnership with Council to do this.
- Council refuse to work with community and have treated them as the enemy since 2018. Council’s proposal has only ever been to do the big expensive
project to clear-fell and harvest the 20+ tonne pines. Council’s methodology is not arboricultural best practice. ‘Expert’ reports have been produced
to support Council’s methodology.
- The health and safety risks of this forest have been talked up by Council. The path through the forest was closed in mid 2018 (not April 2018) because
of a branch hanging over the path which had been damaged by the April 2018 Cat 2 storm. Council failed to remove it despite many requests to do
so. Council has a zero-risk policy in relation to this forest which is not usual arboricultural practice.
- This methodology is NOT in the best interests of this forest nor future generations of Auckland residents. Rather, the community believes the driver
here is what Auckland Council considers in its best interests.
Tim’s Point of View.
When banker John Key arrived in Wellington and became Prime Minister, the game plan dramatically increased the 'centralisation of power’. This also enabled
developers and monetarists to work towards wiping the board as if playing the game Monopoly to one of near, open slather.
Capitalising on ‘tree blindness’ due to a continued failing education system has now enabled Councils to turn a blind eye on nature and the natural world,
whilst pretending to care, but in reality abetting 'chainsaw politics' and not really listening. Thus allowing our revered natural, ancient oxygen
generators - air conditioning systems and water filtrators to be systematically eradicated by ‘unconscious' dictates of a 'cancel culture’ that in
so many ways - wants to eradicate the past. Especially - vestiges of European heritage.
Listen to Wendy Gray as she clearly articulates what is happening in Auckland as she explains that anyone who is an advocate for trees has now been deemed
’the enemy’ and how vested interests lockstep with other Council interests are running another agenda. One that has no consideration for the ecology
and environment of today and tomorrow - where building to the boundary is the way to maximise capital, or maunga (mountain) clearing of mature exotic
trees eradicates the past. But, what this is doing is basically causing a greater separation especially for children of today or tomorrow - who may
never grow up to the sound of bird song, the rustle of leaves or the fragrance of flowering trees.
Today humanity is caught in the crossroads of tumultuous change that's also a full spectrum assault on the senses of the human condition. Add to this Agenda21
and Agenda2030 and overlay this with lockdowns and a city surrounded by orange cones - 5G and CCTV cameras plus infiltrated with fluoridated water
and you will grok that the once free spirit of humanity is now under unprecedented siege.
Wendy Gray - on how nature has to be revered and allowed to express its inherent beauty once again. - and click on the logo too.
We must always become vigilnet when these words are mentioned by the MSM and Governmental officials - Public Private Partnership ...