With ecological, economic and societal crises exerting increasing pressure on our planet spaceship Earth, how will we as emergent 'conscious-crew' initiate the pressing and urgent changes to bolster and keep the integrity of our Mothership's life support systems intact? Especially in the face of scant support from old paradigm thinking, programing, inertia and unconsciousness!
How will 7 billion inhabitants and a vast majority of disconnected souls survive whilst a malaise settles over a complacent Western world, awash in materialism, distraction and celebrity, whilst under the radar, arming for war?
Though not covered in depth, there an is intelligence embedded in matter and throughout nature, and the inspiring realisation, that every human born on this magnificent planet is an energy bundle of exponential potential,” leads us to acknowledge that we are in a position of profound opportunity and privilege, to unfold a new heart oriented consciousness from the grass roots and community upward which 'in actuality' we can realise at any moment of our existence.
Tim Lynch originally from Matamata - Hobbiton and of European and Maori ancestry, has studied the Gaia Hypothesis since 1984, and flew as international crew with Air NZ in near earth orbit for 17 years, where he intuitively was able to experience a planetary perspective unique to this age. For whilst flying through Gaia's respiratory system, it also enabled him to visit and study most of the many ancient civilisation sites as well as meet up with leading edge philosophers, thinkers and initiators and stay in many spiritual communities, ashrams and co-operatives.
And … ask the perennial question, how do we mobilize consciousness?
Tim Lynch Host of GreenplanetFM is interviewed on his historical roots, insights, intentions and his reason for communicating, by David Ford.