Leanora shares a womans journey

Interviewed by Tim LynchMay 8, 2013
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When we close our eyes to the outside world and become self reflective, we realize that we are all we have got. That if we want change in the outer world, we need to recognize that we need to change within as well.

From our first breath as a baby we soak up the imprints of our first contact, to our mother, family and extended family to community.

Surrounded in love we are secure in our localized environment and this allows us to be nourished and acknowledged and find our place in life.

Leanora traveled extensively to finally find NZ and a tiny island microcosm nestled on Waiheke Island in a community who practiced organic principles.

Here in the secureness of warm relationships she engaged in both inner and outer growth giving her an understanding of the psychological patterns that we as an emergent humanity need to become aware of as we clear our being of the need to drop anything that does not serve us. In this process of healing she encountered that there are many methods of clearing trauma and energetic imprints in our body, that hold us back from living our fullest expression.

The more we show up to connect with our sovereign self and owning who we are, the more we can shift to a deeper and clearer countenance of being.

That there are now many modalities of 'whole' practices, we don't have to go to the outside world for answers, shaman, priests, gurus etc

Being present and connecting to the wholeness of our selves, is a direct method of looking within to release all the old patterning in our make up which, can be accessed, cleared and sped up.

Conscious awareness, and not seeing things through the filter of what we have been programmed with - by our parents and society is in many ways the first step of many.

When we show up with an open curiosity, 'something else' can be revealed.

The key being to drop into our heart and ask what would love do, and where would love take us when requiring healing at soul level?

This is a soft and sweet approach to healing of the self, the divine self and the sacred feminine.

And for men, to drop down into ones heart and feel from this place of reverence, where our inner light connects us to our sacred male.

A time for us as a person, to the greater community to recognize that the journey to awakening opens up through our heart.

Remember ~ 8 hugs a day to keep your oxytocin levels up, and Leanora's stall on Market day on Waiheke is known as the hug corner as the bonding connections, enlivens the community.


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Tim Lynch

Tim Lynch, is a New Zealander, who is fortunate in that he has whakapapa, or a bloodline that connects him to the Aotearoan Maori. He has been involved as an activist for over 40 years - within the ecological, educational, holistic, metaphysical, spiritual & nuclear free movements. He sees the urgency of the full spectrum challenges that are coming to meet us, and is putting his whole life into being an advocate for todays and tomorrows children. 'To Mobilise Consciousness.'

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