Jon has been a leader in the GE debate since 1998 and was inspired to get involved in the issue because of the wide-ranging implications of genetic engineering becoming commercialised around the world.
My commercial experience helps give me a perspective on many of the Green issues that the business world is only now waking up to. says Jon. The potential for business to do harm or alternatively, be part of the solution is a key issue facing us all.
Jon has drawn on his expertise in Branding to argue for an ethical biotechnology and science strategy for New Zealand that respects community values, and the country's international reputation.
The Buy-Kiwi made campaign and keeping New Zealands food and environment GE-free are just two elements among many that can contribute to sustainable social and economic development for brand New Zealand. The Green Party is a voice for a middle-path that those who are purely money-driven and short-sighted must heed.