Since the TPP’s signing on the 4th February the government is steaming ahead with ratification, first reviewing the TPP agreement and the National Interest
Analysis (NIA) through the present Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade (FADT) Select Committee process.
Over 3000 New Zealanders have provided the government with their views and evidence, at hearings in Wellington, Christchurch and Auckland, with more
through the remainder of April in Wellington. The report from the FADT committee is due before the Parliament in May. If approved the Minister Todd
MacClay will introduce enabling legislation to the House which will amend our New Zealand domestic legislation where it is inconsistent with the TPP
treaty arrangements agreed by the 12 parties.
Greg Rzesniowiecki, aka Gregfullmoon, has evolved to fill the role of public advocate specifically on behalf of the public interest concerning the TPP.
Born in Australia, and having worked in engineering and as a union organiser, Greg moved to Motueka where he was a member of the Renewables a local
climate action group. He quickly came to realise that TPP would make government’s ability to regulate for carbon emission reductions problematic.
It was local government in the form of Auckland Council which gave a lead in the struggle with TPP. In December 2012, the Auckland Council adopted a comprehensive
12 point policy in respect to the TPP. This policy has now been adopted by 12 New Zealand Territorial Authorities who in their territories represent
60% of the NZ population. Greg was involved in supporting that effort.
Greg has also been supportive of local TPP Action groups when planning their rallies and actions, assisting in Nelson, Wellington and Hamilton on various
Greg says we will have several more opportunities to voice our disapproval in the remainder of the year, however if we want to ensure that New Zealand
does not ratify the TPP we need to make sure that the Government does not have the numbers in the house for the TPP and its enabling legislation. This
means pressuring local MPs and members of the smaller parties such as Peter Dunne.
Activists also are continuing to promote the call for a binding referendum on the TPP prior to final assent. Greg was central in petitioning the Governor
General to ask him to demand that the Prime Minister puts the question of the TPP to the people, otherwise the Governor General will refuse to give
the legislation the final assent which requires the Governor General’s signature.
For more information on the TPPA See this video or
go to
For more information about New Zealand’s already eroding sovereignty, go to
This interview was sponsored by The Awareness Party