David Holden: Health tips from a Naturopath with a warning of the dangers of 5G wireless technologies

Interviewed by Tim LynchFebruary 20, 2019
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In this interview he powerfully articulates that what we take into our bodies can have a lasting effect and of the necessity and urgency to clean up our
act - is an imperative.

The old adage that ‘the greatest pollution we face is that which is between our ears’ - ‘is our thought process’ and that the sooner we recognise our situation,
the sooner we will be able to clean up both our inner and outer world.

NZ Tour

David is touring NZ over the next few months to share with all concerned the latest knowledge on natural ways to regain optimum health and remain that
way for the rest of our life.

Some important tips and reminders are:

  • Organic food, especially veggies and fruit is exceptionally important.
  • No Fizzy drinks for children.
  • Kamboucha* Tea is OK.
  • *Sugar is dangerous.
  • Fasting for adults is good for us all.
  • Watermelon juice fast – detox your kidneys as it is alkalising.
  • Rehydration is important as forty year olds and older are seriously dehydrated.
  • 90% of David’s patients are dehydrated. He has machines that test for this .
  • Do not drink chlorinated fluoridated ‘tap water.’
  • Electronic Devices – don‘t use them before bed.
  • Turn your wifi router off at night before you go to bed. (David calls this sleep hygiene).

A good 7-8-9 hours every night.

Naturopaths in NZ devote 2 years to nutritional knowledge and if you get less than 70% in your exams you have to sit the entire course again.

Whilst MD’s in University have only 3 hours on nutrition, if they miss those lecture they do not need to repeat that lecture. Which clearly shows that
food and nutrition are not a priority.

Aging gracefully

Every generation we are extending our life span by 5 years …

Zinc is crucial especially for men. Pumpkin seeds are important.

5 G wireless mobile phone, clarion call.

Nine ways 5G and the IoT will harm humans, the environment, and Earth IOT ( the Internet of Things)

  • Health – The robust and growing independent science shows harm to our health from
    microwave radiation
  • Privacy – The invasion of our privacy from the collection and mining of our
    digital data
  • Cyber Security -The fast growing and devastating cyber security risks
  • Environment – The harms to wildlife, particularly bees, butterflies and
    other pollinators
  • Energy – The huge energy consumption to produce and power a wireless Internet
    of Things
  • Brains and Humanity – The effects on our brains and humanity from humans increasingly
    inhabiting the cyber world
  • E-Waste – The astronomical e-waste that will be generated from connecting virtually every
    “thing” to the Internet
  • Conflict Minerals– 5G and the IoT will vastly grow our dependence on conflict
    minerals, which have brought about the death of close to 6 million people in poor countries eg Congo.
  • Ethics— Ethical issues arising from the IoT. New human rights laws are being being
    considered; how should humans relate to robots and AI? The blurring of what was once a clear

NB: If you need information specific to the proposed NZ 5G system it is summarised at this link: http://www.5g.org.nz/2018/10/11/facts-about-5g-in-nz

And this: https://www.facebook.com/5GFreeNewZealand

2019 NZ Wellness & Anti-Ageing Health Plan launch & Biomat Tour Feb-March 2019:

Proposed dates - changes may be made all number dependant, (minimum 20 people per talk to hire a hall)

NB all talks are 7-10pm, 120 min PP presentation with DH and 30 mins presentation from Dianne Keen with a cuppa herbal tea afterwards other speakers
by arrangement.

$25 at the door, $20 pre booked on Eventbrite pages to be linked to this here:

Queenstown Monday 25th Feb 7-9pm – St Johns Ambulance Hall, Frankton, Queenstown

Christchurch Wednesday 27th Feb 7-9pm – Avebury House, Richmond, Christchurch

Wellington Monday 1st March 7-9pm – Quakers Hall, Moncrieff Street, Mt Victoria, Wgtn City

Auckland North Shore Monday 4th March – Browns Bay Community Hall, Sherwood Room, Browns Bay

Auckland East Wednesday 6th March 7-9pm – Anchorage Park Community House, Pakuranga

Auckland Central Friday 8th March 7-9pm – Ferndale House, Pink Room, Mt Albert

Kerikeri Monday 11th March 7-9pm – Turners Centre, Kerikeri central

New Plymouth Monday 18th March (after WOMAD) – venue to be advised

Waiheke Island Thursday 21st March 7-9pm – Waiheke Sustainability Centre, (ex Bowling Club) Mako St, Oneroa

In this ground breaking 120 minute presentation David has mapped out and distilled his 30 years of clinical practice into an easy to understand Strategic
Wellness, Health & Anti-Ageing Plan designed to help you live longer, healthier and reach your wellness goals faster than ever before.

Utilising state of the art scientific measurement technology (QXCI / VLA / S3) coupled with ancient healing knowledge & wisdom (Yoga & Qi Gung
/ Tai Chi) gleaned from native peoples all over the planet David has brought together a unique and insightful Wellness & Anti-Ageing Plan that
works. He has been very lucky to have studied over the decades with some of the top names in Natural Medicine worldwide and has distilled their knowledge
into one unified workable Health Plan that will give you results faster than you dreamed possible limited only by your time & effort and health

David has been taught by Masters around the world including Dr’s Bernard Jensen, Gary Gordon, Jonathan Wright, Gabriel Cousens, Christopher Hills, Deepak
Chopra, Bruce Lipton, and other Metaphysical luminaries like Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Neale Donald Walch, Robert Kiyosaki, John Kehoe, David Duggan,
Brian & Amy Murray, et al.

David’s search for knowledge & truth in medicine & healing has taken him to many places both physically and metaphysically. Most of his teachers
where truly holistic in their outlook and wrote and lectured on medicine & healing, and modalities that don’t give serious side effects without
the use of cyto-toxic pharmaceuticals. The areas covered in this presentation include whole food nutrition, herbal medicines, essential oils, dietary
supplements, genomics, epigenetics and the new biology. It also touches on the science of quantum physics & deep healing. This enables people in
the early 21st century to truly benefit from a blended approach to health & wellness that really can act to turn back the clock if you are prepared
to give a tailor-made fitness & nutrition plan coupled with state of the art nutrition and the new stem cell enhancers a serious 6 month trial.

In David’s multi-media presentation, he will be covering:

  • Health, Wellness & Vitality Exercises, incorporating the Ancient 8 Brocades of Shaolin Qi Gung & the famous 5 Tibetans Yoga Exercises for physical,
    Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Wellbeing
  • Specific Dietary information given to help slow the ageing process based on your Blood Type & Metabolic & BioChemical Types & Genetic readouts
    from Fit Genes testing.
  • Specific Anti-Ageing targeted Nutraceuticals & Cosmeceuticals from a wide variety of companies (not only one brand as no one does it all), Prema
    Life (Australia) / Metagenics / Nutra Search / FxMed / PacHealth / Nu Skin & Pharmanex / Cerule / DoTerra and of course Biomat.
  • State of the art Skin care and not just for the ladies either! Experience the use of Nu Skin’s fabulous Galvanic Spa and new Lumispa for in home treatments
    that really make a difference to your skin its feel and how it looks!
  • State of the art electronic diagnostic testing & analysis of the state of your health using QXCI/SCIO / Pharmanex S3 Antioxidant Scanner / Metagenics
    VLA & Quadscan / Specific Medical Blood Testing not done by conventional GP’s. The S3 Antioxidant Scanner will be available for scans before
    and after the presentation.
  • Learn what your personal Genetic Profile is using the special Fit genes salvia test from Australia and the USA. This is a cost effective way of knowing
    exactly what your personal risk of the BIG 4 diseases are (Cancers, CVD. Diabetes & Arthritis) and how to avoid them with personalised tailor
    made nutrition & herbal medicines.
  • Reduce your risk of the BIG 4 diseases according to the WHO (World Health Organisation) research uncovered that 85-90% of all Western Governments Health
    budgets were spent managing (not curing) the BIG 4:

1) All 11 types of Arthritis including RA

2) 3 types of Diabetes (DIM1 & 2) including Metabolic Syndrome (DIM3)

3) All type of Cancers including all organ cancers & blood & brain cancers

4) All types of CVD including Strokes & Heart Attacks (MI).

  • How to reduce Dementia risk the growing global epidemic, what you can do at home to prevent or slow it down with diets, herbs, supplements and addition
    electronic treatments
  • How to reduce Depression & Anxiety risk another growing global epidemic with simple lifestyle adjustments
  • The role of EMR (Electro-Magnetic Radiation) in health & ongoing wellness, this area is another totally overlooked by conventional western medicine.
    Do NOT hold a cellphone to your head, we tell you why! How bad is wireless communications? WiFi? 5g? Find out what the science says.
  • How to combine all this info into an Integrated Health, Wellness & Vitality Plan that slows down the Ageing process and keeps you happy and active!
  • A showcase of the best and newest naturopathic & health & wellness technology from around the world including the new plant based stem cell
    enhancers and specialised anti-ageing skin renewal products.

email: [email protected]

www.DavidHolden.co.nz & www.HoldenHealthCare.com

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Tim Lynch

Tim Lynch, is a New Zealander, who is fortunate in that he has whakapapa, or a bloodline that connects him to the Aotearoan Maori. He has been involved as an activist for over 40 years - within the ecological, educational, holistic, metaphysical, spiritual & nuclear free movements. He sees the urgency of the full spectrum challenges that are coming to meet us, and is putting his whole life into being an advocate for todays and tomorrows children. 'To Mobilise Consciousness.'

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