We are very fortunate that Lord Ron Oxburgh the distinguished UK geologist, and former Chairman of Shell will make the key note speech. It was a year ago
when he broke ranks with the oil lobby, especially in the USA when he made a startling statement by saying he feared for our planets future!
Children globally can take heart that there is someone in the establishment who has strength and honour. When people of virtue stand up for principle
and show that they care about the common good and our future, they demonstrate to us that 'good beings' can come out of anywhere, to stand up for truth.
I trust that Lord Oxburgh will be able to convince government and industry to take action. Because, in virtually all cases they have a very high regard
for CEO's in the corporate arena especially a huge conglomerate such as Shell oil. For as anyone who is watching Parliament and the business pages
in the media, both parties have been backsliding, when we are in need of vision, leadership and action.
Come on NZers' you "who have had your cake and eat it" let's be leaders and not followers.
Business as usual is a dinosaur mantra!
What is there to lose?
Everything dear to us?
The kids are watching and listening ...