The film features the transformative life journey of the renowned sound healer, psychotherapist and modern day mystic Tom Kenyon, from a young aspiring Nashville musician to an internationally revered sound alchemist. Western science has confirmed what ancient traditions have known for centuries; sound has the power to heal.
Sound Healing (also known as Sonic Therapy) can be used as pure tones or as music and can positively affect a large array of physiological and psychological states, including:
Tom Kenyon is a researcher, a therapist, a musician, sound healer and teacher. For over twenty years his research group, Acoustic Brain Research, has been a leader in the field of psycho-acoustics and the use of sound and music to access the creative abilities of the brain and mind. He is meticulous about the scientific method that requires quantification or a means of measuring. He has a four-octave vocal range and a dazzlingly unique mission – to integrate modern science and ancient mysticism through sound.
Tom’s life studies and many lifetimes of remembrances, complete with background knowledge and experience allow him to move with equal facility between Tibetan Buddhism, Egyptian High Alchemy, Taoism and Hinduism and the sciences relative to each. He has delved into the vibratory nature of the cosmos, the use of sacred geometry as a means to stimulate brain performance, and in the use of sound to activate psycho-spiritual experiences.
Song of the New Earth was number 3 in Huffington Posts recent Top 10 list of the most heartwarming films of 2014! Reviewer Kate Neligan said, “A first-of-its-kind film that will give you both a sound bath experience and cinematic story all in one! Tom Kenyon is a musical genius and his story was completely enthralling to watch, especially his spiritual experiences set to animation. Your whole body might glow after you watch this film.”
In this interview Anne Huxtable talks of how Tom has been determined to find how neuroscience could explain what he was experiencing mystically. Having now seen the film over 30 times she is an expert on both the science and the sound.
She talks of the theta, alpha and beta states and the cause of brain fatigue. She gives examples of sound that heals and sound that does not, and tells of the scientific experiment done on plants that were played different kinds of music. You will even hear of the origin of crystal bowls..
She cites the work of oncologist Dr. Michell Gaynor on sound healing, and how cancerous cells can be eliminated. Anne recommends the book, “The Mozart Effect”, by Don Campbell, which taps into the power of music to heal.
Anne tones for us in this interview, and at the end of it you can hear
some of her relaxing sound healing music.
Anne’s interest in music goes back to her childhood. She studied piano as a child and was a member of choirs, a cappella groups from a young age. She played flute and saxophone in a rock band in her teens and she sang, played keyboards and flute in a duo at restaurants and weddings.
Her interest in complementary therapies also goes back a long way. She studied massage and reflexology 30 years ago, and later, Reiki and energy psychology techniques that look at the link between the mind/emotions and physical health. These include Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Emotion Code.
It was only as recently as 4 years ago that Anne first discovered sound as a therapy, when she attended her first Crystal Singing Bowl performance and fell in love with the deeply relaxing, mind-altering sounds of the bowls. Here was a way to combine her two hobbies into one. Shortly after, she studied a short course of sound therapy in Australia and began her large collection of sound healing tools.
Her day jobs have included working in a research laboratory, teaching secondary school mathematics in Australia, and most recently, managing a distribution business in Ipoh, Malaysia, but her passion has long been in the field of healing.
Deciding to quit her job and focus on Sound Therapy, she travelled to the US and trained at the Globe Sound and Consciousness Institute in San Francisco to become a certified Sound Therapist and Sound Healer, and now practices full time. She is based in Ipoh but travels regularly to Kuala Lumpur and Australia where she is highly sought after for her sound baths and individual healing sessions.
The film Song of the New Earth will screen on Saturday May 2nd in Auckland and on Thursday April 20th in Tauranga. For details and bookings online go to
The promoter, Maree Neal, also has a donation page on the above web site where you can donate to ADNZ Assistance Dogs Trust NZ, the only organisation to prepare dogs for children with a range of requirements.
The link for more information, and to purchase the movie:
Anne Huxtable’s web site:
Anne playing crystal bowls:
Link to an interview with oncologist Dr Mitchell Gaynor:
This Interview was sponsored by The Awareness Party.